Battlefront is back online!?

Posted: May 4, 2020 by Gen.anime{snp} in Uncategorized

BF 2020

What’s good Sniperclan! As previous post have indicated SWBF has been released on Steam, and now, multiplayer has been recently added! I Played till late in the night with some old friends and a bunch of new people yesterday, and I want to invite everybody to get online and bring back the good ole’ days! As you can see from the Pic, the servers are really booming. This was a no cp, no bot server with like 25 people in it, which was bigger and crazier than the battlefront has been for many years!

Here is a link to our steam group if you aren’t a member: SNP Steam

I hope to see you guys on the 2020 Battlefront!!!

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