Idea to get new members?

Posted: November 12, 2013 by woodyrocks in Uncategorized

Hey guys Woody here and this question is mainly directed to Hond but any feedback would be great!

hond I was wondering if you maybe liked the idea of me recruiting people in CS Portable and telling them to visit the site it would help battlefront grow a little maybe as we’ll as expanding our clan to other games. 

anyways that’s all I really had to say and cya later everybody!!

  1. Superclone43 says:

    On 1.0, there’s been lots of noob servers lately but mostly on weekends (yes I go on 1.0 and check if people are there). Sometimes they put a pass on their servers, but usually they’re just open servers with like 1 or 2 people. We can try recruiting people from these servers maybe.

  2. macheen11 says:

    I say go for it, if they are interested lets help them out and get some more people.

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