{snp} / BOB training server at 3:50 EST

Posted: June 23, 2014 by Klexmer in Uncategorized

Hey guys,

Wow, this is my first post ever in the snp site !! Do you believe that ?

So just saying that there will be a {snp} / BOB training at 3:50EST, wednesday 06/24. But why a training server ? Since many of us are used to play with 1.0 units only (rocket and sniper), Phantom and I thouhgt maybe it would be a good idea to be trained with the 1.2 units (jet, pilot and wookie). Also, we can try some training for our snipers in cloud city, if you prefer. But if you want to chill out, I know you guys also like some good old crawl races, frog games, survivor or even zombie games.
So what kind of thing would you like to do ? Please comment below and tell me ! I hope many of you will come ! Cya wednesday 🙂


Special message to Hond : pizza

  1. Gen.anime{snp} says:

    uh oh, looks like im missing a bunch…

  2. Klexmer says:

    Well sorry Hond. I’m sorry it was called BOB training, I forgot to tell Anyder about the title. Also, there were some problems with the map list. First it had to be Mos, then Endor for a survivor game and finally CC, to end the training with funny games. But Anyder mixed up the maps (btw thank you Anyder for hosting this server).
    So as a result, the training happened to be only in Mos, and then in CC we started directly with the fun games but it was fun I think… and in Endor, where we were supposed to train with a survivor game, everybody left the server…
    I did what I could to make this server as good as possible. But as there was not a lot of {snp} and BOB members (2 snps and 3 bobs), I think we had to invit some members from other clan, so that the server would be attractive still.
    I’m quite curious to see what you would have done with so many issues occuring at the same time

  3. hond887 says:

    It was actually called BOB training server and the training lasted about 20 mins xD

  4. Klexmer says:

    Wow the wordpress smileys look gay now

    YAY :d:d:d:d:d

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