Steam/New Site

Posted: August 22, 2015 by Gen.anime{snp} in Uncategorized

Hey, I was just wondering how many of you guys had steam. Since Xfire was unfortunately shut down, I think steam is the best new way to communicate. On top of that, Steam is the #1 best place to buy games. There are sales almost every weekend, and it is often possible to save up to 75%, and sometimes more on a huge selection of games. If anyone does not already use Steam, I would recommend making an account. If a few of us have steam and are interested, I’ll make a steam group for us.

After Talking with Saw a few times over the last month, we both agree that making a new site would be the best choice for moving into SWBF3. So today I went to register, and I was amazed when it already existed! I went there and discovered that our friend Mac had created this site as a backup way back in 2013. Instead of creating a brand new domain, I propose we use this one, since I don’t think we need a backup anymore. All I need is admin power over there and we can get to work! So Mac, my email is (, I’m looking forward to getting to work!

  1. spleenleaf1 says:

    how are we doing people its ya boyyyyyyyy. havent talked to the lot of you in ages coz i moved to steam just when i left here. i sent requests to everyone that had their name on here but i really want to chat with everyone again. my name is the slovenly dalo. please add me i miss you guys

  2. hond887 says:

    I’m not dead… I do own steam how ever. I’m friends with Scaled, Blaze, and I believe Ryan. Add me. MacaroniMan

    • Cody (formally known as CJ) says:

      I am also on steam! Username is 14bennettc. If you add me I will have the picture of Darth Maul! Hope to see you guys online!

  3. Sgt.Cody.{snp} says:

    Hey guys its been a really long time, Im hoping that some member of snp are still around since everything looks dead.

    I here y’all are trying to find contacts through steam or Skype since Xfire went down so if y’all get the chance to add me:

    Skype: als2018 Steam alscott2018

    Im hoping that the life of snp can be further continued~

  4. Faye says:

    My steam is aloraharuno! =O

  5. macheen11 says:

    Praise Lord Gaben

  6. Gen.anime{snp} says:

    My username is Kimihiro11, send me a friend request!

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