Posted: August 15, 2012 by scaled23 in Uncategorized

Everyone out there has to know that this week on discovery channel is FREAKIN SHARK WEEK. Who ever is not watching this, I am very dissapointed in you, because sharks are like the king of all animals! If your reading this, and are not watching Shark Week, GO WATCH IT NOW! Thats basically all I have to say.

  1. bouncetheman says:

    doodoodooodooodoodoodo. I remember watching animal planet. I watched two turtles make bubbles, never watched it again.

  2. beast101 says:

    …dafuq iz diz shiz? I swear, it’s gonna be Snake and Faye all over again X(

  3. Sgt1ryan says:

    Faye why do u keep changing your picture and why is it always ppl with purple hair do I have purple hair or something ^_^:)

    • Sgt1ryan says:

      Do you have purple hair not do I have purple hair

    • Faye says:

      Actually, it was just pure coincidence that both people in my last two pics both have the same light purple hair =P
      I do think it would be cool to dye my hair that color, so I could maybe cosplay as them, but as of right now, my hair is bright red =P

  4. Sgt1ryan says:

    Thez comments aren’t even About shark week anymore lol

  5. Sgt1ryan says:

    And scaled y do u care if I happen to b attracted to the girls in the clan xD

  6. scaled23 says:

    this is the most ive ever seen you post ryan. And strangly enough i think its due to faye and ann xD
    bow chicka bow wow

  7. Sgt1ryan says:

    The only shark that I like is the whale shark Jk it’s the bull shark

  8. Sean Russell says:

    ya shark week is preety frakin awesome

  9. beast101 says:

    I eat sharks for breakfast.

    Not even kidding, in lots of Oriental countries they’re like a delicacy 0.o

  10. scaled23 says:

    jeeze ryan xD so many comments

  11. Sgt1ryan says:

    Hiiiiiiii fayeeeeeeeee hiiiiiiiiiiii lol

  12. Sgt1ryan says:

    I don’t like sharks cause almost got but by 1 😦

  13. Faye says:

    I TOTALLY WOULD if I had Discovery Channel….
    Which I don’t….
    Yeah I’m kinda sad

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